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Higher or Lower?

·2 mins
Check out the code on Github or play the game for yourself here!

A webgame where the user guesses which article of designer clothing is more expensive.

Demo of the game

Learning objectives #

I set off on developing this project to meet a few goals:

  • Challenge myself to complete and deploy a project end-to-end by myself
  • Learn how to use Next.js with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS
  • Learn how to take feedback on my own work to make it better

Technologies used #

MongoDBa NoSQL database used to store our products
Next.jsa React framework used to develop the frontend + backend and used to deploy the application
Tailwind CSSa CSS framework used to style the frontend
TypeScripta superset of JavaScript that adds static types

How does it work #

Backend #

On page load, a few products are randomly fetched from our MongoDB database into a list. To improve performance, subsequent products are periodically fetched in the background as the user gets more correct answers.

Frontend #

Two cards are initially displayed side-by-side on the screen, when the user correctly selects the more expensive product we increment the state of a counter variable. This setState operation slides down along our product array and re-renders the next product. When you incorrectly select a product, the Gameover screen shows and places all products[0...n] into a carousel.

We have the ability to restart the game over again by calling our startGame function:

const startGame = (productAPISuffix: string) => {
  fetchProducts(productAPISuffix).then(() => {
    setScore((prevScore) => ({
      currentScore: 0,
      hiScore: prevScore.hiScore,